Heart Healthy Hints for the Holidays

Christmas and New Year tend to be times of celebration, togetherness, and happiness. Yet, they can bring challenges to our physical and emotional health. Here are hints to help you stay healthy and happy during this season of joy.

Offer to take a plate – this way you know there will be something healthy to fill up on. A colourful mixed salad or a bowl of fresh, tropical fruit is an easy way to contribute a delicious and healthy option.

Don’t be a post-lunch couch potato! Boost your mood by getting outside with your family and friends for a walk or quick game of backyard cricket.

Give yourself the gift of peace – if you’re feeling busy or overwhelmed, don’t be afraid to say no to invitations or extra activities. Take some downtime to relax and recharge.

Hydrate properly – Make your first drink, and at least every second one thereafter, a glass of water to help you stay hydrated. This can also help you mange the amount of alcohol you drink.

Eat before you go out – Cocktail party food is generally unhealthy, so eat something before you go – a salad, a light meal, or even some fruit. This way you won’t arrive hungry and tempted to try everything on offer.

Stay active – It may be one of the busiest periods in the year but whatever you do don’t let exercise fall by the way side. Schedule a training session on the day of the function and don’t skip exercise the next day, even if it’s just a walk.

Resolutions and goals – Try to see the New Year as an opportunity for re-evaluating where you are in life, and where you’re headed. If you’re setting resolutions, don’t be too ambitious.

And finally, remember the spirit of the season. Pause and reflect on your priorities and spend time with the people you love. These actions will help you survive not only the silly season, but also create a lifetime of wellness.