Meet people like you who have made ending heart disease part of their life story.
Everyday Australians, just like you, are choosing to be a part of future breakthroughs in heart disease by leaving Heart Research Australia a gift in their Will.
Chris Russell – Gifts in Wills Ambassador
“My life was almost cut short by a heart attack back in 2006. I survived thanks to research funded by Heart Research Australia – but sadly, not everyone is as lucky as me.
As the proud grandfather of 2 beautiful grandsons, I want to do whatever I can to ensure that by the time they’re my age, people will no longer have their lives cut short by heart disease. That’s why I made the decision to leave a gift to Heart Research Australia in my Will.”
“My grandfather and great grandfather both died of heart attacks in their 70s. When my dad was the same age, his hereditary heart condition was diagnosed and he was successfully treated with open heart surgery. He went on to enjoy a further 10 happy and productive years, due to advances made possible through heart research. I’m leaving a gift in my Will to Heart Research Australia to say thanks for those extra years we spent with my dad.”
Peter Gentry
“I had a mitral heart valve operation back in 1995 at Royal North Shore Hospital. Not only was I very happy with the result, I was also interested and impressed by the innovative research being undertaken by Heart Research Australia – or, as it was known back then – the North Shore Heart Research Foundation.
I decided to support the organisation through regular contributions. My wife and I also made the decision to include a gift in our Wills to Heart Research Australia.
Advances in heart research made my successful heart surgery possible. More than twenty years later I’m still enjoying good health, and I’m still running 5km in under 30 minutes!
I like to think my legacy will help fund future advances and save lives.”
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