The Heart Research Australia Heart Health Club team invite you to join our

Tea with the experts webinar

Tuesday 31st May, 11:00am (Sydney time)

Hear Dr Carmine Gentile and Dr Avedis Ekmejian discuss their latest research.

Dr Carmine Gentile and his team have developed a new way to study and prevent a heart attack before it leads to heart failure thanks to their innovative technology based on bioengineered mini-hearts. Their research has enabled them to observe and understand which molecules change and which cells die following a heart attack.  This research provides new opportunities to study how to prevent a heart attack and how to minimise long term damage following a heart attack.

To read more about his work click here.

Dr Avedis Ekmejian is researching how to best determine if an artery blockage is dangerously impacting the flow of blood to the heart and when to intervene with invasive medical treatment.

To read more about his work click here.

Coming along to our webinar is a great opportunity to not only learn more about this life saving work and how if can change the future of heart disease but also gives you an opportunity to directly ask our researchers questions about their work.