Research Saves Lives

Making breakthroughs in heart disease happen.

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Webinar: The role of heart health in dementia

Giving heart to the future.

Heart Research Australia supports world-class and emerging researchers to conduct ground-breaking research into the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of heart disease.

We support ‘seed’ funding, allowing researchers to turn their innovative, ‘out of the notebook’ ideas into reality. As this type of first-stage research does not qualify for government funding, we are solely reliant on the generosity of our wonderful supporters to help make the investigation of such ideas possible.

Our goal is to reduce the devastating impact heart disease has on families and the community.

About Us

Donate today to gift heart to the future.

Heart disease affects 2 in 3 Australians and still remains our leading cause of death. But you can help.
By making a monthly donation or by making a one-off gift, you can help fund exciting and world first studies into Heart Disease. And together, we can make breakthroughs in Heart Disease happen.