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Heart disease in women, it’s time to talk about it.

Heart Research Australia kicked off Women’s Health Week 2022 with Cardiologist Dr Monique Watts and author of ‘Queen Menopause’ Alison Brahe Daddo as we chatted menopause and women’s heart health. We spoke about heart conditions commonly experienced by women yet not well known or spoken of; early warning signs and what to look out for;

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Menopause and Nutrition

Nutritionist, Chloe Steele, gives us a guide for nutrition in those menopausal years. What should you eat, why you should focus on protein, healthy fats, whole grains and fresh fruit and vegetables rather than going on a “diet”. The hot flushes have hit or you can feel they are on their way…. What should or

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Myocarditis. We’ve heard this condition thrown around a lot recently. It’s been brought up in discussions of COVID-19, COVID vaccines and so on. It’s a heart condition you may not have heard of previously. So, what is it? Did it exist before COVID? And what is its relationship with COVID-19. We decided to delve a

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Introducing Chloe Steele, our Heart Health Club Nutritionist – copy

We are so excited to introduce Chloe Steele who will be sharing some fantastic information around nutrition and heart health to our Heart Health Club members. ​​​​Make sure you are signed up so you don’t miss out! With an MSc in Nutrition from the University of Middlesex in the UK, Chloe’s specialist interests include cardiovascular

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Introducing Chloe Steele, our Heart Health Club Nutritionist

We are so excited to introduce Chloe Steele who will be sharing some fantastic information around nutrition and heart health to our Heart Health Club members. ​​​​Make sure you are signed up so you don’t miss out! With an MSc in Nutrition from the University of Middlesex in the UK, Chloe’s specialist interests include cardiovascular

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