Making or updating a legally valid Will is the best way to protect and distribute your assets and provide for your loved ones. You may also wish to leave a gift to help advance lifesaving heart research.

No matter how big or small, your gift will help to create a better future and improve heart health for all Australians. 


Types of gifts you can leave in your Will

  • A percentage. A percentage of your whole estate or of your residue.  
  • A residual gift. A gift from the remainder of your Estate, after specific gifts, debts and legacies have been fulfilled.  
  • A gift of a fixed amount of money. 
  • Specific Asset: A fixed asset such as shares, real estate, or other items of value. 


Recommended wording to use when leaving a gift in your Will

“I give, free of all duties and taxes to Heart Research Australia (ABN 62 002 839 072),
__% of my Estate, or
__ % of the residue of my estate, or
the sum of $_________, or
the following assets: ________
to be used to support research into cardiology in such manner as the Board of Directors may determine and I direct that the receipt of the Chief Executive Officer or other authorized officer of Heart Research Australia shall be sufficient discharge to my trustees.” 


Information for your solicitor

Organisation Information

Registered Name: Heart Research Australia
ABN: 62 002 839 072

Tax Exempt

Heart Research Australia (ABN 62 002 839 072) is endorsed as a deductible gift recipient (DGR) and is fully tax exempt.

Capital Gains Tax and In Specie Transfer of Assets such as Shares

Heart Research Australia is exempt from capital gains tax (CGT). This means that assets subject to CGT such as investment properties or shares which are transferred to Heart Research Australia ‘in specie’ will not be subject to tax on the capital gains.

Receive your free Gift in Will Guide

Older man with young child laughing

Why leave a gift in your will?

Help fund life-saving heart research. Your gift can help keep families together for longer.

How to leave a gift in your will

Write your will online

Try one of our Australian online will-writing partners to get you started. 


Frequently asked questions

Answers to some commonly asked questions on leaving a gift in your will.