Cardiac Blues

Cardiac Blues The Cardiac Blues are a normal part of recovery from a heart attack, heart surgery or heart event. How long should they go on for though? When and how should you seek help? Around 75% of people experience the ‘Cardiac Blues’ after a heart event. Experiencing a heart attack, heart event or heart

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Surviving a heart attack: Two of the most dangerous mistakes

Heart disease is Australia’s number one killer, but unfortunately, there is little awareness about the signs of a heart attack and what is critical to do in the moment. Each day, an average of 20 Australians die from a heart attack. An Australian suffers a heart attack every 10 minutes. [1]  The Heart Research Australia free Heart Smart pocket guide is designed

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Stress Echocardiogram

A personal experience of a Stress Echocardiogram A stress echocardiogram is a test used to view the hearts function before and after exercise. Being the Heart Research Australia Communications Manager, I am always telling everyone how important it is to look after ourselves and ensure we are heart healthy. In doing so it’s also important

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What Women Need To Know

Heart Research Australia was very excited to be featured in New Idea Magazine in an article titled “Women & Heart Disease – What you need to know”. The article featured our very own Nicci Dent (CEO of Heart Research Australia) and one of the members of our board Dr Rebecca Kozor. We were so grateful

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Stress & Heart Health

Among other things, stress and anxiety can have a negative impact on our heart health. Stress is a state of mental or emotional strain resulting from a negative situation or demanding circumstances.  It can have a major influence upon mood, our sense of well-being, behaviour, and health. Dr Miranda Say, clinical neuropsychologist,  states that heightened

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Research has shown that mindfulness may have the potential to improve both blood pressure and heart health in many people (1, 2). What is mindfulness?  Mindfulness is a centuries-old practice, grounded in Buddhist traditions and Tibetan meditation techniques. In recent years, psychologists and doctors have increasingly recognised the positive impact mindfulness can have on the

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Exercise guidelines

Unfortunately, over half of all Australians aren’t getting the recommended amount of physical activity. So how much exercise should I be doing? Great Question! Below are some guidelines from the Australian Government Department of Health. As always, if you are starting a new exercise programme or have a chronic illness such as heart disease, please

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Exercising At Home

Exercise is an essential part of healthy living, and vital for ongoing effective recovery after any cardiac event. Being inactive is also a risk factor for heart disease. With the gyms closed due to Covid-19 it has been wonderful seeing everyone out and about walking the neighbourhood. As the temperature starts to drop or on

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What is a Heart Attack?

Each year, around 54,000 Australians suffer a heart attack. This equates to one heart attack every 9 minutes. Heart Research Australia has produced this episode to help people understand what a heart attack is, learn about the warning signs, and how a heart attack is treated. Heart Research Australia, in association with Royal North Shore Hospital and

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Life-saving research for cancer and cardiac patients

Our researchers are currently working on a project that has the incredible potential to make some cancer treatments more effective, and also reduce or eliminate the risk of heart failure as a result of the cancer treatment. This research could potentially help thousands of cancer and cardiac patients. Find out more about this exciting research

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